Sunday, April 09, 2006

Yippee! Spring Holidays

Another excellent retreat draws to an end, Crickhowell was beautiful, the food was great, the company fun, and plenty of shoppng too! I enjoyed all the classes I took, but as usual did very little scrapping of my own - where does the time go?

I did take some time out to walk round the Manor Hotel...look what I found!


Chrissie said...

Gorgeous photo of the bank of daffs Susie-Woo. Wasn't that hotel just yummmmmmmm. And also the "Gollies!!!!" moment - LOL!!

Chrissie said...

Indeed...we need a picture of Brat on here!!!

Taniwha said...

I saw her changing things around on a LO..... it might not have been her LO though *hehehehe*