Friday, September 15, 2006

It's Friday (thank goodness)

What a week! The NHS is undergoing a major change in the way people are graded and paid for their job, which means every job has been evaluated and put in a pay band which ultimatly affects how much you are paid. Our bandings were published this week....suffice to say many people were less than impressed with the outcome! Helping people through this change is a bit stressful so every lunchtime I turn to Chrissie's blog for a bit of light relief. (She knows I get upset if she doesn't update every day!) So I was particularly amused by the healthcare stories and although I have never seen anything stuck to someones fluff (go read the blog!) I have seen stuff to make your hair turn (walnut whip anyone??) Healthcare staff often use humour to reduce stress and many of our stories are a bit grim but here is one of my favourite true stories.......We have a red and a green line leading from reception to the various bits of the department. One of the radiographers found a little old lady wondering along the corridor looking bemused. 'Can I help you?', she asked. The lady replied that she was looking for the red dragon she had been told to follow. 'Oh', replied the radiographer, 'do you mean the red line?'. 'Yes, that was it, the red lion', the patient responded in all innocence!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Happy Birthday Martin!

Today my 'baby' is 18 years old (which of course is impossible as I am only 18 myself!)

Happy Birthday son x

Celebrating in style!!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

My name's Sue and I'm a blogger, it's been two months since I last blogged...

Oh dear! Doesn't time fly.

Here was I thinking my words just fell into the openness of cyber space and yet I have apparently been missed.

What the heck have I been doing then....well, work is mad, mad, mad. We opened the new orthopaedic centre and the MRI scanner.........

(This is the first patient in our new scanner and Tony the MRI Superintendent)

I went to Scout Camp in Gilwell....

(kit inspection underway)

I created my class LOs for Scrappers Unlimited Gloucester 2 retreat........

(Can't show you those!)

I have been to Scotland with the family on holiday.....

(we stayed at the lovely Gretna Hall hotel...see they laid out he red carpet for us!!)

So I have been very busy, honest, but I promise to do better - no really!