Saturday, April 01, 2006

Just chillin'

We have friends staying this weekend, the 'boys' are spending the day in the local hostelry and I have been doing not a lot. I am trying to avoid the feeling of guilt that I am not doing 'something' by pretending to be busy. I have sent several hours on the internet this afternoon, and I am just off to finish my entry in the Christmas CJ. Found a great website with lots of useful scrapping advice at - worth a look for design tips and some great links to LO sketches.

Neil was so funny last night. Not that I would encourage binge drinking because I hate it if he drinks too much but it is fun to get him to do silly stuff when he is a bit more than tipsy. I was persuading him to test how drunk he was with a series of tasks. He managed to do the pigeon step walk without difficulty and he had no trouble touching the end of his nose with his finger, but he could not stand on one leg to save his life and when he collapsed in a heap over the bedside cabinet I was absolutley weak! Now that picture would have been worth scrapping!!

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