Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Moles - of the chemical kind!

Martin has his chemistry exams this week. He has been busy revising and I have been 'helping' by testing him and working through examples with him. I am now beginning to remember why I never stuck with Chemistry!
There seems to be a lot of maths involving moles. If like me you think moles are blind creatures that dig holes then you will appreciate the struggle. If however like Martin you understand Chemistry like other people understand foreign languages then moles, molar mass and molarity will be easy-peasy!!

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

I am so very grateful that we are so different because if everyone was like me, mankind would be in serious trouble, and nobody but nobody would have invented anything. We'd still be living very simple lives, with only moles digging up the garden to contend with.

Grief. Chemistry. Bleuch!