Thursday, May 11, 2006

We're almost off!

Just had a chat with Chrissie as we are off to Bonza Baby in the morning. We both feel really weird not bombing around panicking that something will be left behind. (Does panicking really have a 'k' in it?...the more I look at it the more incorrect it appears!) Anyway, I have packed so little to take that I am sure I must have forgotten something.
It will be fab to be a delegate rather than an organiser and I am looking forward to learning something new....and shopping....and eating....and chatting.

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

It is truly bizarre isn't it?!!! Why aren't there 20 boxes in the back of my car, crammed in with my full-to-overflowing crop trolley??? Why aren't I running around like a headless chicken this morning???

Delegate-a-Rama! Schow-iiiiing!